Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story III: Sabakareshi Mono is a first-person action shooting game based on the popular Mobile Suit Gundam media franchise. Relatively unique among Gundam games, it tells an original story not adapted from another media, and is third and final entry in a three-part trilogy, following after Ao o Uketsugu Mono. This concluding chapter once again has the player controlling pilot Yuu Kajima. Two machines remain with the experimental EXAM System, designed to mechanize the abilities of Newtypes and allow human pilots to have the same capabilities: one has been stolen, purportedly by the pilot of the mysterious blue MS, Efreet; the other has been assigned to Yuu. The game is again divided into five missions, each of which has specific objectives such as destroying a particular target or defending a specific structure or character. The story is told through radio communications during gameplay, and objectives may change as the mission progresses. There are no branching story paths or loadout customization, though the player is ranked at the end of each mission which has an effect on the overall ending. Save data can be carried over from the previous games, and the game's ending changes depending on the player's rank throughout the full campaign. Two releases of the game exist: a standard edition in a jewel case and a limited edition in a cardboard digipak. Other than the packaging, the two releases are identical and there is no bonus content or extra items in the limited edition.
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