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Illustration of ...sein letzter Trick

...sein letzter Trick


This is a German text adventure. The title is "His Last Trick" in English.

It's a gangster thriller, set in Chicago in times of prohibition. Mafia boss Don Spazzatura has a speakeasy where they sold water instead of alcohol. Now it's time to take revenge. But be careful, because the people of Spazzatura are also on their tail.

This was included in "64'er Software Extra Nr.09: Abenteuer-Spiele - Volume 2".

Olaf Barthel
Markt & Technik
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

...sein letzter Trick - Box - Front - 602x599
Germany -  602 x 599

Clear Logo

...sein letzter Trick - Clear Logo - 428x321
Germany -  428 x 321

Screenshot - Game Title

...sein letzter Trick - Screenshot - Game Title - 751x577
751 x 577

Screenshot - Gameplay

...sein letzter Trick - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200