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Illustration of The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas

The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas


The first true life simulation series set in the fascinating medieval Europe!

The Addon expands and transforms the game into an even greater experience by adding a huge area including the cities of "The Hanse" located at the shores of the European seas. Sea battles and naval trading are added to the gameplay, and a new campaign mode provides more than 10 hours of additional fun.

4Head Studios
THQ Nordic GmbH
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
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The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas - Banner - 460x215
460 x 215

Box - Front

The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas - Box - Front - 640x919
United States -  640 x 919
The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas - Box - Front - 1000x1413
World -  1000 x 1413
The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas - Box - Front - 600x900
World -  600 x 900

Clear Logo

The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas - Clear Logo - 1194x720
1194 x 720
The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas - Clear Logo - 1190x739
Germany -  1190 x 739