After the first chapter of Cosmic Fantasy 4, which follows Yū and his team on the planet Kazarin, the focus shifts to Van, the hero from Cosmic Fantasy 2. Van, now an intergalactic cosmic hunter with Cadette Babette (Rim in the Japanese version), is haunted by nightmares since leaving his home planet Idea. A friend's trouble convinces him that his real quest is just beginning. Van and his Little Fox Team must return to Idea and confront his tragic past. The gameplay remains similar to the first chapter, following the traditional Japanese RPG format. Players guide a party of heroes through a top-down world, visiting towns, exploring dungeons, and engaging in turn-based battles with randomly appearing enemies. The game uses a Final Fantasy-like ATB bar to indicate turn speed during battles. The second chapter begins with a "digital comic" style adventure, but quickly transitions to RPG gameplay for the rest of the game.
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