Whale's Voyage II: Die Übermacht is the sequel to Whale's Voyage. The story takes place twenty years after the crew of the spaceship Whale had won a great battle and became heroes, abolishing a powerful dictatorship. Now all of the money has been spent and the only thing the four heroes can do is to start trading again. The first job should be quite simple: just deliver some nuclear material to a foreign planet. There is also some payment in advance. But unfortunately the crew takes too much time for the delivery and so the easy job becomes a deadly task and they become involved in a conspiracy.
This game is similar to its predecessor, being a role-playing game with trading elements. The character creation allows the player to shape four characters, distributing their primary attributes, among which are combat-related stats as well as categories such as rhetorics and humanity. The player also must select a flaw for each character, ranging from bad temper to epilepsy. These flaws may affect the character's future behavior in certain situations: for example, a clumsy character would sometimes drop an object from his inventory. The choice of education background determines the characters's class. The available classes are Soldier, Medic, Monk, Psionian, Biochemist, Bounty Hunter, Electrician, Rhetorician, Pilot, and Cybertechnician. Human or alien race traits are assigned to the characters randomly.
An English retail version was also planned, but never materialised.
A former developer from neo eventually took the challenge and released an official English patch for the game.
- Developers
- Neo Software Produktions
- Publishers
- Neo Software Produktions
- Platform
- Genre
- Role-Playing
- Alternate Names
- Whale's Voyage 2