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Illustration of Main Battle Tank: Central Germany

Main Battle Tank: Central Germany


Main Battle Tank: Central Germany is a tank-based war simulation between NATO and the Soviet Union.

Designed for 1 - 2 players, each player controls the ground forces of either the Soviet or NATO forces during a theoretical combat in central Germany. A computer opponent is available for 1-player games. The player can select scenarios in which NATO of Soviet troops hold the countryside or a major city, as well the player can build their own scenarios.

The game is text-only, and came with a board and physical pieces to allow the player to keep track of the location of theirs and enemy units. All games begin at 1100 on the morning of November 11th, and time passes in 5 minute intervals. The player gives movement locations, combat orders, and aggressive or defensive stature of their units, and then lets time pass until the units are able to report back to their commander. When opposing forces interact, the player is given the results of combat. Final scores are based upon the success of the player's military tactics during the war.

Apple II
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Main Battle Tank: Central Germany - Box - Front - 793x1024
North America -  793 x 1024

Clear Logo

Main Battle Tank: Central Germany - Clear Logo - 2364x573
2364 x 573

Screenshot - Gameplay

Main Battle Tank: Central Germany - Screenshot - Gameplay - 280x192
280 x 192