Published in BASIC Computer Games - Microcomputer Edition. In the game of 23 matches, you start with 23 matche3s lying on a table. On each turn you make take 1, 2 or 3 matches. you alternate moves with the computer and the one who has to take the last match loses. The easiest way to devise a winning strategy is to start a the end of the game. Since you wish to leave the last match to your opponent, you would like to have either 4, 3 or 2 on your last turn so you can take away 3, 2 or 1 and leave one. Consequently, you would like to leave your opponent with 5 on his next to last turn so no matter what his move you are lift with 4, 3, or 2. Work this backwards to the beginning and you find the game can be effectively be won on the first move. Fortunately, the computer gives you the first move, so if you play wisely, you can win. This version of 23 Matches was originally writeen by Bob Albrecht of People's Computer Company.
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