Wilderness: A Survival Adventure is a survival game, with gameplay revolving around surviving in a harsh landscape. The player must keep track of hunger, thirst, and fatigue temperature in addition to Health; given as a percentage. This require the accomplishment of "every day" tasks such as eating, drinking, and sleeping, as well as hunting, cooking, gathering, and finding a place to rest. Another important aspect of the game is the item-crafting system. Many are useful, but absent. However, the game allows the player to create tools, weapons, and other items to assist in the player character's survival. for example, to use a splint, required if you sustain an injury, you must have/acquire rope and a stick Many of the items, such as kindling, and arrows, degrade overtime and ultimately break, making the building of additional items necessary. Foods, such as meats, can go rotten in just an in-game day, but there are some which will not, due to being preserved The game features a non-linear structure, giving the player the freedom to progress through the game without specific goals in mind beyond attaining the basic necessities of survival.
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