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Illustration of 3D Reversi

3D Reversi


A nice game of othello/reversi with a 3D twist! It was developed by Theo Kopetzky and released in 64'er Sonderheft 17 magazine. An unofficial English translation of the game was released by the cracking group Blazon on November 14, 2021.

A strategy game for two players in which you have to swap your opponent's pawn colors for your own. To do this, simply place a pawn opposite your own in a straight line horizontally, vertically and diagonally, and all the colors of the opponent's pawns in between will be swapped for the player's colors. The game goes on until no move can be made and the player whose colors are more on the playing field wins.

Theo Kopetzky
Markt & Technik
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Advertisement Flyer - Front

3D Reversi - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 1240x1756
Europe -  1240 x 1756

Box - 3D

3D Reversi - Box - 3D - 2399x3079
Europe -  2399 x 3079
3D Reversi - Box - 3D - 928x1470
Europe -  928 x 1470

Clear Logo

3D Reversi - Clear Logo - 749x442
749 x 442

Fanart - Box - Front

3D Reversi - Fanart - Box - Front - 384x512
384 x 512

Screenshot - Gameplay

3D Reversi - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200