
Ackroyd's Saga

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore 64
Game Type type
Max Players players

Published in Your Commodore 1988/01 and also in Your Commodore 1988/02. Ackroyd's Saga is the first of two games aimed at helping the learning process of mental arithmetic skills. In the game, the 0 to 12 times tables are tested. The nought times table is included since it is a difficult concept to grasp. In the game, you play the role of a trainee knight searching for the parts of the key which will let you into Ackroyd's castle. (Ackroyd is the usual evil king.) On your way to the castle you will encounter various nasties. You must fight these if you want to get passed them, and fighting them involves answering tables questions. You answer an odd number of questions. If you get more correct than wrong, you win. There are five levels in the game with each level posing questions on different tables. The easiest level deals with 0 to % times tables, the most difficult deals with 0 to 12. In addition, the levels give you different times to respond. The default values give ten seconds at the easiest level and six seconds at the top level. You can change the times and number of sums if you wish by choosing the edit option in the game loader.

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