
CGE Adventures

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Atari 2600
Game Type type
Max Players players

This game is based on a true story. It was the last minute of the last day of Classic Gaming Expo 2010 and the weary crew of the RetroGamingRoundup podcast was sitting at their booth with a classic gaming celebrity conducting the last interview of the expo. The organizers had just made the announcement that CGE 2010 had come to an end and the guests were reluctantly heading to the door with all their bags full of goodies and their heads full of memories. The RetrogamingRoundup crew had their backs turned while interviewing the last gaming celebrity of the expo and it was during this time a strange fellow made off with not one, but a whole spindle of 100 of the RetrogamingRoundup show promo CD's Though investigating and deduction the thief was identified and has come to be famously known around these parts as the Deaf CD Thief. The great irony is what he took was 100 audio CDs and the thief was deaf. This game is in no way making fun of deaf people, it is making fun of a moron who swiped some things of no use to him. The story has become part of our show legend with listeners logging in and playing the role of the thief in the forums, chat, and live news. In real life the bad guy got away, but what if this took place in the 8-bit world?

Alternate Names
  • C.G.E Adventures
  • Classic Gaming Expo Adventures

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