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Illustration of Airliner



Airliner was written in BASIC (to the point where it's possible to crash it by inputting the wrong type of data) and simulates flight in an unusual manner: featuring no arcade action or in-cockpit view elements. Instead, the game displayed a full instrument panel on the screen displaying airspeed, flap angle, direction, altitude, and rate of change in altitude. These must be used to take off and land at the correct location, taking care of navigating the plane as well as flying it. Full diagrams of the instrument panel and an area map (loosely based around the area near Protek's base in Scotland) are included within the manual. A 3D view of the plane landing (or crashing) is displayed towards the end of the process.

R. Hopkins
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Airliner - Box - 3D - 464x735
464 x 735

Box - Front

Airliner - Box - Front - 356x550
United Kingdom -  356 x 550

Cart - Front

Airliner - Cart - Front - 365x232
Europe -  365 x 232

Clear Logo

Airliner - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175
Airliner - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175
Airliner - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175

Screenshot - Game Select

Airliner - Screenshot - Game Select - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Airliner - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200