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Illustration of Ace Driver

Ace Driver


Ace Driver made extensive use of the CPU Assist technique, whereby a trailing player would be given a significant speed boost to allow them to catch the leading player. However, the speed boost continued for a short while after the losing player had overtaken the leader - leading to a tactic known as boosting where a player would deliberately allow themselves to lose the lead, then during the last half of the last game lap would easily take back the lead with no hope of the opposing player catching them.

Boosting also meant that straight skill races were difficult to have, as CPU assist would be continually changing the losing player's speed and position.

Alternate Names
  • Ace Driver: Racing EvolutionWorldFlag of World region
  • エースドライバーJapanFlag of Japan region


Advertisement Flyer - Back

Ace Driver - Advertisement Flyer - Back (World) - 850x1106
World -  850 x 1106

Advertisement Flyer - Front

Ace Driver - Advertisement Flyer - Front (World) - 850x1106
World -  850 x 1106
Ace Driver - Advertisement Flyer - Front (North America) - 850x1220
North America -  850 x 1220

Arcade - Cabinet

Ace Driver - Arcade - Cabinet (United States) - 1141x1485
United States -  1141 x 1485
Ace Driver - Arcade - Cabinet (United States) - 971x1471
United States -  971 x 1471

Arcade - Control Panel

Ace Driver - Arcade - Control Panel (null) - 284x140
284 x 140

Arcade - Marquee

Ace Driver - Arcade - Marquee (null) - 500x160
500 x 160
Ace Driver - Arcade - Marquee (null) - 1680x342
1680 x 342
Ace Driver - Arcade - Marquee (null) - 3840x717
3840 x 717

Box - 3D

Ace Driver - Box - 3D (World) - 582x889
World -  582 x 889

Cart - Front

Ace Driver - Cart - Front (World) - 436x533
World -  436 x 533

Clear Logo

Ace Driver - Clear Logo (null) - 3000x648
3000 x 648

Screenshot - Game Over

Ace Driver - Screenshot - Game Over (null) - 640x480
640 x 480

Screenshot - Game Select

Ace Driver - Screenshot - Game Select (null) - 640x480
640 x 480

Screenshot - Game Title

Ace Driver - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 320x240
320 x 240

Screenshot - Gameplay

Ace Driver - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Ace Driver - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480
Ace Driver - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 640x480
640 x 480