Based on characters from the animated television series and books, Arthur's 2nd Grade features twelve skill building activities for six to eight year olds; spanning two CD-ROMs, with additional home-based assignments. Included activities build fundamental skills while helping various characters. When learning about the United States and other geographical activites, you must help Muffy setup an itinerary for her father. In Measurement class, you'll be helping Brain measure various screws, pipes, and automobile parts. During mathematical activities, you can help D.W. add and subtract beans from a jar. There are also reading comprehension, spelling, time, and grammatical activities included. In addition to the learning activities, there are printable activities for creating various projects and solving word puzzles. With the Card Creator, you can decorate a greeting card with different images, icons, and text. Would-be writers can fulfill their dreams with the Storyboard Maker and select various images to design their cover art! There's also a wide variety of crossword puzzles and objective-based mazes to print and complete at any time. Arthur's 2nd Grade also features various difficulty settings, progress reports and automatic leveling. You can even call upon Arthur for assistance and guidance. In addition to the printable and in-game activities, additional assignments are located on the Internet!
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