Based on characters from the animated television series and books, Arthur's Kindergarten features a collection of twelve educational activities (many printable) for children, ages four to six, spanning two CD-ROMs. Children will build fundamental skills in letter recognition, matching various sizes, shapes, and colors, choosing from factual and make-believe items in science, and calculating small amounts of change with Arthur's friend Buster. While using logical and spatial skills in finding the anteater's friends, children will build vocabulary skills through rhyme, as they learn sequences and patterns. Bonus goodies including composing and matching sounds, coloring and creating greeting cards with printable word puzzles, as well as other craft-making projects that offer directions and recommend the proper materials. Under adult supervision, children can create whirly birdies, origami, and more! It's part of an educational series with editions for preschool, first, and second grade. Similar in structure to the other grade levels, this program offers automatic help messages, multiple skill levels for younger and older children, and progress reports for parents. So, what are you waiting for? Join Arthur, Francine, Binky, Muffy and the rest of the gang for a creative educational adventure! A 2002 Edition included a bonus audio CD featuring two of Marc Brown's Arthur books: Arthur Accused! and Arthur and the Lost Diary.
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E - Everyone