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Illustration of 100 4 1

100 4 1


The object of the game is to place as many of the 100 tiles as you can.

Use the mouse to select which of the currently available tiles you want and place it on the grid following these rules:

The first tile must go onto the grid on the star square. All subsequent tiles must be placed next to a previously placed tile.

No tile can be placed next to one of the the same value or colour.

No tile can be placed next to one the plain coloured tiles of the same colour.

Placing a tile scores the value of the tile. Some of the squares score a bonus by multiplying the value of any tile placed on them.

Any tiles unused by the end of the game count against the total score.

Placing all 100 tiles scores a bonus and to exit the game at any time press the Q key.

Howard Clarke
Howard Clarke
Atari ST
Alternate Names
  • 100-4-1
No information available
No information available


Clear Logo

100 4 1 - Clear Logo (null) - 446x203
446 x 203

Screenshot - Game Title

100 4 1 - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

100 4 1 - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 320x200
320 x 200