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Illustration of 3D Ski

3D Ski


This game was originally a sub-game within Battlepod, Wacko

Software's entry for the 1989 STOS Gameswriter of the year

contest (and the only game worked on bt all members of Wacko

Software). The original game took two disks and was as

interesting to play as having a chemistry lesson from Mr.B. If

you managed to stay awake long enough, you would find a trading

post, and only then, the chances of playing this subgame were

50/50. It is this sub-game, 3D Ski which I have extracted and put

on this disk.

The idea is that you are in charge of an egotistical robot.

When he was asked if he wanted to do something dangerous, he said

yes, but said it as a joke, and ended up on the Ski slope. At the

time you start, he just cannot help looking at his fans. You

start by moving the joystick forwards when you hear the gun (if

you do it before, it's a false start). In case you are wondering

where on earth you can find such a ski slope, this is because

it's not on earth (another leftover from Battlepod). On the right

is a green dot which you control. Control is relatively simple

(that is, if you know what a joystick is). Move left or right and

the dot will do just that. Pressing the fire button will make you

go fater, your dot will disapear and the robot will look at his

fans rather than pay attention to the slope ahead. You will get

extra points for doing this. I'm not exactly sure about the

scoring system as it's been nearly two years since I wrote this

game. There are two invisible opponents, who'se progress is

indicated by their scores (I'm not sure how this works). You die

when you fall off or colide with a rock. It is somehow possible

to change the file LV1.MBK so that you may design your own

tracks. Perhaps, I will release the construction kit.

Wacko Software
No information available
Atari ST
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Clear Logo

3D Ski - Clear Logo (Europe) - 446x203
Europe -  446 x 203

Screenshot - Game Title

3D Ski - Screenshot - Game Title (Europe) - 320x200
Europe -  320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

3D Ski - Screenshot - Gameplay (Europe) - 320x200
Europe -  320 x 200