
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Into the Inferno

Release Date calendar
October 13, 2008
Platform joystick
Nintendo Wii
Game Type type
Max Players players

Fire, balls, rocks and water can all be picked up by holding the B button and are guided using the Wii remote provided there is a nearby source. Aang can form an "air ball" (sphere of high winds) to break down obstacles and blow away objects by making a circle with the Wii Remote. Toph can lift up earth and throw it, pull earth out of walls and lift it up to make pillars. Katara can Bend water to put out fires and can freeze it into a block by shaking the Nunchuck. Ice can also be pulled out of water falls and ice pillars can be made. Zuko can guide fire and burn things. Aang is unique, in that he can bend all four elements, although he only fights using Airbending. Sokka however throws his boomerang when the B button is pressed and uses the Wii remote is one of the controllers you will be using in the game.

Alternate Names
  • Avatar: The Legend of Aang Into the Inferno Europe Europe
  • Avatar: The Legend of Aang: Into the Inferno Europe Europe
  • Avatar: Der Herr der Elemente: Der Pfad des Feuers Germany Germany
  • Nickelodeon Avatar: The Last Airbender: Into the Inferno North America North America



E10+ - Everyone 10+

Action, Adventure
Nick Games
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