A collect'em up style game published in Software Club N°16. Being an insect nowadays is really difficult. Everyone tries in every way to eliminate you. Human beings are also the most dangerous: hey use whatever comes their way to crush you or, worse, they spray you with those terrible substances that immediately KO you. Will we even have the right live? Now viruses are also coming in, trying to kill you. The most dangerous is that of AIDT; it is much larger than all the others, and has a red horn on its forehead that emits a poisonous, deadly substance. The only living thing capable of saving us is the Blob fly, which lives in the center of the Equator. She is the intelligence commander of US insects., and has trained to detect and hit the weak spots of viruses. AIDT viruses have an octagonal shape, with rather rounded extremities that are extremely colored. The Blob fly will have to try to hit the rounded ends, the weakest point of any virus, with small arrows. To move the insect use the joystick
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