
Champion of the Raj

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore Amiga
Game Type type
Max Players players

India: land of spices and sumptuous wealth. So full of riches that greedy nations, such as the British and the French, have been tempted to grab the spoils. Champion of the Raj is about this historical struggle for power and possession, fundamentally a strategy game with a few arcade sequences added to pull in the punters. Choose one of the six leaders which include Sikh, Mogul or European, to fight over strife ridden India. Why not carry on the colonies and select the role of Viceroy of the British East India Company. Nothing wrong with plundering is there, pip, pip!!? The graphics aren't bad, but one of the greatest shortcomings is in the sound department. For a game of this potential, melodies consisting of what sounds like an elaborate police siren just aren't enough. An enjoyable game to play nevertheless, although Mahatma Gandhi is probably spinning in his grave.

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