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Illustration of Koronis Rift

Koronis Rift


You play as a techno scavenger in the year 2049, exploring the Koronis Rift, in one of Lucasfilms earliest games.

The Ancients abandoned the planet, leaving behind many different artifacts and ships, which you can loot. Send your droid to retrieve modules and try to figure out what the ancient technology is for. It could be batteries, shields or even weapons, to help you fight the trigger-happy saucers that want you dead.

The game uses fractal graphics, the terrain is vast and detailed, and the story behind it is quite complex, considering the type of game.

Lucasfilm Games
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available



Koronis Rift - Banner - 439x64
Europe -  439 x 64

Box - 3D

Koronis Rift - Box - 3D - 464x735
Europe -  464 x 735
Koronis Rift - Box - 3D - 820x1244
North America -  820 x 1244
Koronis Rift - Box - 3D - 804x1238
Europe -  804 x 1238

Box - Back

Koronis Rift - Box - Back - 800x1190
North America -  800 x 1190
Koronis Rift - Box - Back - 800x1004
Europe -  800 x 1004

Box - Front

Koronis Rift - Box - Front - 800x1193
North America -  800 x 1193
Koronis Rift - Box - Front - 800x1028
Europe -  800 x 1028

Cart - Front

Koronis Rift - Cart - Front - 1167x741
United Kingdom -  1167 x 741

Clear Logo

Koronis Rift - Clear Logo - 1200x435
North America -  1200 x 435
Koronis Rift - Clear Logo - 1200x138
United Kingdom -  1200 x 138


Koronis Rift - Disc - 654x662
United Kingdom -  654 x 662
Koronis Rift - Disc - 320x318
United Kingdom -  320 x 318

Screenshot - Game Title

Koronis Rift - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Koronis Rift - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200