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Illustration of Cavemania



Fed up with having Brontosaurus steaks for dinner, Ug the Caveman has decided to try something new for a change - by navigating nine islands in search of the three pterodactyl eggs perched high in the mountains, and bringing them back to his cave one by one, making sure that not one egg breaks along the way. Unfortunately, searching for the eggs comes at a price. Ug must also leap across rivers, dodge erupting volcanoes, and use a number of rocks to kill any land-based predators that get in his way. If he comes into contact with any of these, he will lose some energy, which can be restored by collecting fruit. Once Ug has taken all three eggs to his cave, he has to collect some wheels so that he can travel to the next island.

Andrew Bowen
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Cavemania - Box - 3D - 506x903
Europe -  506 x 903

Box - Back

Cavemania - Box - Back - 745x1199
Europe -  745 x 1199

Box - Front

Cavemania - Box - Front - 763x1199
Europe -  763 x 1199

Box - Spine

Cavemania - Box - Spine - 138x1196
Europe -  138 x 1196

Cart - Front

Cavemania - Cart - Front - 1189x733
Europe -  1189 x 733
Cavemania - Cart - Front - 1154x736
Europe -  1154 x 736

Clear Logo

Cavemania - Clear Logo - 800x271
Europe -  800 x 271

Screenshot - Game Title

Cavemania - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

Cavemania - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200