Choc A Bloc Charlie

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Commodore 64
Game Type type
Max Players players

Choc A Bloc Charlie is a single screen game where you are Charlie and you have appeared in a warehouse from a time warp and it seems there is no escape. The warehouse is made up of many white blocks with four yellow blocks and four purple blocks which can be pushed around the screen. To escape from the screen you must put the four purple blocks together in a larger square to open an exit within a time limit and move on to another warehouses in which there are 16 in total. The yellow blocks when put together give you a points bonus. Moving around the screen is a creature that lays mines which after a few seconds explodes, and also there are guards behind each purple block and when released move around the screen. You are armed with unlimited grenades that don't harm the creature or guards but removes the white blocks. Careful use must be taken as throwing a grenade decreases an energy bar and being touched by the creature and guards also decreases it. Once your energy is empty or you run out of time then you lose one of five lives. When the exit has appeared you move to another screen where you must get from the left of the screen to the right avoiding spinning creatures or a life is lost. The next warehouse has the same layout but more creatures have appeared.

Alternate Names
  • Choc-a-Bloc Charlie

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Not Rated

Steve Hughes
MC Lothlorien
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