A 2D flip-screen action maze game published by The Power House. The bird Sqij has to find the six pieces of the Enertree which are scattered over the caverns of Pylpapa and bring them to the Lotz-Too-Weet cave where he can rebuild the Enertree and get in this way everlasting life. A conversion of a Commodore 64 title, the ZX Spectrum version of SQIJ! was built in roughly 40 hours time. Sole programmer Jason Creighton had become a disgruntled employee with no interest in turning in a finished product, but had his hand forced due to contractual obligation. Due to a programming error wherein the game can only accept input from lowercase keys / does not acknowledge input of Caps Lock, the game has a reputation for being quite literally "unplayable." However, using a single poke command ("POKE 23568,0"), control can be properly re-enabled in-game.
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