Fairytale Adventure follows the adventures of Dora, the young Hispanic star of the animated television series Dora the Explorer, as she sets out on a quest to become a real princess and wake her sidekick Boots from an enchanted sleep. As in other games in the Dora series, you are given a number of choices when you begin: you pick a color and key style for your "keychain" and decorate it with a sticker. Once you've entered your name and clicked the ¡Vamanos! button, you can choose whether to play the entire adventure or just pick from the mini-games. Choose your level of difficulty - 1, 2 or 3 - which can be changed whenever you feel the need. A mouse is the only tool you need to play (a printer is optional - there are some printable stories and coloring pages); actions are performed by pointing, clicking, and dragging.
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