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Illustration of Cyclone



A cyclone is sweeping across a small group of islands. As the pilot of a lone rescue helicopter, it is up to you to locate and pick up five crates of vital medical supplies, while rescuing as many stranded islanders as you can. You will have to check your map and watch your wind force gauge, to stay out of the cyclone's way. You'll also have to keep an eye on your fuel.

Cyclone is a spiritual successor to TLL:Tornado Low Level, and it's played out in a colorful, pseudo-3D world that can be viewed from two different angles, to help you locate those pesky crates.

Costa Panayi
Vortex Software
Alternate Names
No information available


Advertisement Flyer - Front

Cyclone - Advertisement Flyer - Front - 600x859
600 x 859

Box - 3D

Cyclone - Box - 3D - 334x551
United Kingdom -  334 x 551

Box - Front

Cyclone - Box - Front - 800x1227
United Kingdom -  800 x 1227

Box - Front - Reconstructed

Cyclone - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 835x1280
Europe -  835 x 1280
Cyclone - Box - Front - Reconstructed - 2734x4096
United Kingdom -  2734 x 4096

Box - Spine

Cyclone - Box - Spine - 140x1227
Europe -  140 x 1227

Cart - Front

Cyclone - Cart - Front - 1187x780
United Kingdom -  1187 x 780

Clear Logo

Cyclone - Clear Logo - 1400x436
1400 x 436

Screenshot - Game Title

Cyclone - Screenshot - Game Title - 349x262
349 x 262

Screenshot - Gameplay

Cyclone - Screenshot - Gameplay - 255x191
255 x 191
Cyclone - Screenshot - Gameplay - 512x384
512 x 384