
Pike: Operacija Gromoverzhec

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

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Mankind have always tried to break through the borders of solar system, but due to wars, economic and ecological crisis this dream for a long time remained unrealised. In the third millennium the required technological breakthrough happened, which allowed humanity to make a step toward stars. Long after, widespread colonies, located on a distance of hundreds and thousands light years from the Earth, formed a new global alliance - League of the Intergalactic Nations, which guaranteed peaceful being, with all political and economical sovereignty for all members. But one nation, Quakers, wasn't interested in peace at all. Though Quakers attacking forces was destroyed after all, they still have many fortified bases at their mother planet. Pike - it is a military hovership, specially designed to efficiently fight on a surface of a waterworld. Game is a top-down arcade shoot-'em(most of 'em)-up. Unlike many other arcade games, the map is actually rotating around you, with your ship remaining static. You can pilot Pike or helicopter called Hind, each has a different gameplay strategy. You can equip your craft with machine guns, flamethrowers, plasma guns and several types of missiles and torpedoes. In campaign mode game is separated onto days, and you must complete more than half of presented missions to move on to the next day. Usually, one day contains five basic missions and one secret. Objectives are simple - destroy/protect something and return to base. Besides global campaign, you can play random missions, duel mode or multiplayer via modem, null-modem or IPX network.

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