
Quest for Glory 4 1/2: So You Thought You Were a Hero?

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Platform joystick
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Max Players players

In this unauthorized AGS fan sequel to Sierra's Quest For Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero, the player controls The Hero Of Spielburg, at loose ends between official numbered installments of the series, revisiting the past glories in the stomping grounds of his early days. But much to his dismay, he finds that despite having lifted Baba Yaga's curse and helped practically everyone in the sylvan valley, everything has backslid to an even worse situation than when he started! The Sheriff has been murdered, the Baron's daughter Elsa has disappeared again and his feckless son Barnard is running the kingdom into the ground! Organized crime calls the shots and even the farmers' fields lie fallow! If ever there was a time for a hero to gird his loins and head back into the fray, this was it. And yet -- there is a hero already in town, Sir Richard, but he doesn't appear to be doing much good for anyone. A fond revisitation of the locations and characters from the (SCI re-make of the) original game, the fan developers have re-implemented not only the interface of the game but the environs of the Duchy of Spielburg, projected recent developments in its denizens' lives, have thrown in a handful of new characters and locations (lifted from other adventure games for visual consistency) and breathed in almost as many problems requiring the assistance of an adventurer as the original! Some sophomoric (and, admittedly, downright profane) humour is the only tempering aspect to this tribute.

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