NeonPlat Adventures is a platform game featuring PlatDude, character known from earlier jayenkai's games.
NeonPlat Adventures includes Calendar system. When you first run the game you can choose present day or any day from the past (but never one from the future) and you will play a set of four pseudo-randomly generated levels. The set stays fixed for each day, so you can try to beat it later if it happened to be too hard or simply replay it as many times as you wish for better score.
The game itself is a Mario-style jump'n'run with huge variety of differently acting enemies, three kind of "flowers" to be thrown at them (they either instantly kill them, freeze them or trap them in bubbles), level bosses and multitude of bonuses and power-ups which vary depending on what you collect or which enemy and it what way you killed. There is little information what does what, so you must either discover things yourself or search the web for hints.