"What Linus Bruckman Sees When His Eyes Are Closed" is a split-screen adventure where you play two games at once. The screen is divided into top and bottom halves, one for each game. You have one mouse cursor in each half, and they track each other, moving and clicking together. The two game environments have similar layouts, so that usually when you perform an action in one game, something happens in the other game too -- but potentially something different. In order to win and discover how the two stories are connected, you have to complete both games at the same time. In the first run, one of the games is completely in Japanese and thus impossible to solve if you haven't mastered the language. When you complete the the other game however, the Japanese text is translated and you can start a second run. Each of the two puzzles (top part and bottom part) can be solved individually, but based on the outcome (fail both, solve one, solve both), there are different endings.
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