
Farm Frenzy: Animal Country

Release Date calendar
September 28, 2010
Platform joystick
Nintendo DS
Game Type type
Max Players players

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Have you ever wanted to be a farmer? In Farm Frenzy: Animal Country that's just what you become as you go down on the farm where the fun never stops. Here players take control of every aspect of running their own farm, including milking the cows, feeding the chickens, collecting eggs and finally, shipping your produced goods to market. The money you earn can be spent on expanding your production in a variety of ways like buying new livestock or maybe a new barn or other buildings like a bakery to add to your farming empire. But even in the most tranquil farm environments there are dangers to be wary of, around your farm that will be a group of nasty bears. They'll destroy everything if you let them. Be successful in all areas and your farm will prosper and you may even be rewarded with the 19 different achievement awards available

Alternate Names
  • 疯狂农场 - 动物国度 China China

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