
Freddi Fish: ABC Under the Sea

Release Date calendar
October 5, 2010
Platform joystick
Nintendo DS
Game Type type
Max Players players

No information available


Freddi Fish: ABC Under the Sea is an educational game for the Nintendo DS that teaches the alphabet. There are 8 activities in the game. Bubble Bonanza, where you match specified pictures and letters with Pelican Sam. Counting Corral, where you have to circle a specified number of seahorses with Sheriff Shrimp. Costume Catastrophe, where you differentiate hats with Augie the Octopus. Fridge Magnets, where you can play with Grandma Grouper's letter-shaped magnets. Junkyard Jumble, where you put rubbish in a specified place with the junkyard dog. Ship Shape, where you paint in outlines of letters with Kit Kraftsman. Soup Stir, where you spell specified words in your alphabet soup. And Sandy Beach, where you can draw in the sand with Fiddler Crab. Freddi Fish will greet the child, for different occasions for times their parent can set. The times that can be customized are Lunch Time, Nap Time, Bed Time, and their birthday. Freddi also comments on the days of the week.

Alternate Names
  • Freddi Fish: ABC Bajo el Mar Spain Spain
  • Fritzi Fisch: Das ABC in der See Germany Germany
  • Freddi Fish: Het ABC Onder de Zee The Netherlands The Netherlands
  • Marine Malice: J'Apprends à Écrire France France



EC - Early Childhood

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