Utena is a popular TV series/manga series in Japan. Created by a group called Ba-papas, who was headed by Chiho Saitou (Magnola Waltz) and Kunihiko Ikuhara (Director of Sailor Moon S). As a child, Utena lost her parents in a car accident, only she survived. Considering to end it all, she is saved by a tall man dressed in all white. Utena was so impressed, she wanted to be just like this "Price" that saved her all those many years ago. From that day on, Utena dressed up as a Prince.. but was it idolism, or love? Utena, as a teenager, is transferred to the private school, Ohtori Academy, where she stumbles onto an underground "cult" as you could say, of students playing something called a "Duel Game" where the winner of the duels can revolutionize the world. Of course, Utena has no idea till after she defeats the current champion of the Duel Game, and wins the "Rose Bride." A mysterious girl who seems very un-popular, but rumors of her having the power to help the champion "duelist" win all the duels and revolutionize the world. Little does Utena know, she'll have a problem when the Student Council, also playing the duel game, get into her way. In all this, all Utena wants to do is save Anthy, the Rose Bride. Utena, acting as the Prince she loves so much.
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