Sega SG-1000
Community Rating: 4.16 Total Votes: 16
Bomberman Special is an MSX release in the Bomberman series of games. It was brought without a license to the...
Community Rating: 2.80 Total Votes: 5
King's Valley for the SG-1000 released in Taiwan by Aaronix. This game requires a special adapter released by...
Community Rating: 3.33 Total Votes: 9
This MSX version was brought without a license to the SG-1000 in Taiwan.
Community Rating: 3.12 Total Votes: 4
Tank Battalion is a 1980 arcade game by Namco which was brought to the MSX in 1984. It was subsequently ported to...
Community Rating: 2.21 Total Votes: 7
The Legend of Kage is a 1985 arcade game by Taito which was ported to the MSX in 1986. Dahjee brought the MSX...
Community Rating: 3.75 Total Votes: 4
Yie Ar Kung-Fu II is an 1985 MSX sequel to Yie Ar Kung-Fu by Konami. It was subsequently ported to the SG-1000 in...