Commodore 64
Community Rating: 3.50 Total Votes: 16
A variant of 3D Noughts and Crosses (or more commonly known in North America as Tic-Tac-Toe) published as a type-in...
Community Rating: 4.17 Total Votes: 3
Cave Girl Clair is an educational adventure game. Resourceful and handy, Clair must survive the challenges of...
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
Acorn Electron
Community Rating: 3.12 Total Votes: 4
No brushes, no paint, no mess, no fuss... ...but hours and hours of fun. With the Electronic Colouring Book you...
Community Rating: 4.50 Total Votes: 2
Apple II
Community Rating: 3.00 Total Votes: 1
Jenny of the Prairie is a video game developed by Rhiannon Software and published by Addison-Wesley for the...
Commodore Amiga
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 1
Puppy Love is an early example of a virtual pet simulator. The player becomes the owner of a puppy that has just...
Shapes are said to tesselate when they can be used to cover a flat surface without leaving any gaps. The simplest...
Community Rating: 1.83 Total Votes: 6
Return to Mordor, where a dull red sky is filled with the dust and heat of Mount Doom. Brave the ash-covered...
Apple Mac OS
Community Rating: 2.62 Total Votes: 4
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 3
This cassette contains 123 programs for your Electron. Many of the programs are quite short, but each one is...
The Fellowship of the Ring is an interactive fiction (with graphics) game based on the first volume of J.R.R....
Community Rating: 2.88 Total Votes: 4
The Hobbit is an illustrated text adventure computer game released in 1982 for the ZX Spectrum home computer and...
Community Rating: 1.00 Total Votes: 1
Relive Tolkien's The Hobbit as Bilbo Baggins. A piece of Interactive fiction (with graphics to illustrate...
The Secret Of Arendarvon Castle was published in the form of type-in listings in a book of the same name that was...
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 2
The Shadows of Mordor is an officially licensed J.R.R. Tolkien "Lord of the Rings" text adventure game based on the...
Community Rating: 2.30 Total Votes: 5
Vad is a fixedscreen shooter for the Commodore 64. It was developed in BASIC as a type-in game by Brett Hale and...
Yackman is a simple Pac-Man inspired maze game developed in BASIC by Brett Hale and published as a type-in by...