Commodore 64
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
A history game focused on the United States, created by Roger Norton and released on Loadstar #056 in 1989.
A 1989 educational quiz game about the American Civil War for the Commodore 64 developed by Roger Norton and...
A single-player educational quiz game developed by Roger Norton and published in issue #63 of Softdisk Publishing's...
A single player educational quiz game developed by Roger Norton and published in issue #123 of Softdisk...
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 1
An educational quiz game focusing on history, create by a high school teacher and his principal and published in...
An educational quiz game focusing on 20th Century Wars and a sequel to the 1989 original, this version was...
The third in a series of educational quiz games focused on history and published in Loadstar #119.
An educational quiz game created by Roger Norton and published in Loadstar #086 in 1991. How well do you know about...