Commodore Amiga
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 2
Coverdisk 1 content: Killing Game Show (Game Demo) Bar Games (Game Demo)
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
Amiga Action Issue 16 January Disk2: Horror Zombies from the Crypt (Demo), James Pond 2 (Demo)
Amiga Action Issue 17 February 1991: Mean 18 (FULL)
Community Rating: 4.25 Total Votes: 2
Coverdisk 4 content: Switchblade II (Exclusive Game Demo) Team Suzuki (Rolling Game Demo) Rox (Full PD Game,...
Community Rating: 4.50 Total Votes: 2
Coverdisk 5 content: Back to the Future 3 (Game Demo) To play the shooting gallery demo, type: demo Chuck...
Amiga Action Issue 20 May Coverdisk 6 & 7: Coverdisk 6: Ilyad(Full) Coverdisk 7: Armour-Geddon(Demo)
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 1
Coverdisk 12 content: Championship Athletics (Game Demo) Little Beau* (Game Demo) *The final version was...
Amiga Action Issue 24 September 1991 Disk 13 & 14 Coverdisk 13 content: Pegasus (Demo), Zone Warrior...
Coverdisk 15 content: Mad Dog Williams (Game Demo) Coverdisk 16 content: Battle Isle (Game Demo) Supaplex...
Community Rating: 4.50 Total Votes: 3
Coverdisk 19 content: Another World (Game Demo) To load the game type 'awdemo' at the CLI prompt Baby Jo in...
Community Rating: 4.00 Total Votes: 1
Coverdisk 21 content: Agony (Game Demo) Daylight Robbery (Game Demo) International Sports Challenge (Game...
Coverdisk 23 content: Team Yankee 2 (Game Demo) Wolfchild (Game Demo) Coverdisk 24 content: Amoeba Invaders...
Community Rating: 2.00 Total Votes: 1
Coverdisk 25 content: Abandoned Places (Game Demo) Coverdisk 26 content: Knightmare (Game Demo) Ork (Game...
Coverdisk 27 content: Psyborg (Game Demo) Coverdisk 28 content: Son of Zeus (Game Demo) Space Crusade (Game...
Amiga Action Issue 34 July 1992 disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Liverpool (Demo) Disk 2: Asteroids (PD Full), Bug Bomber...
Amiga Action Issue 35 August 1992 Disk 1 & 2 Coverdisk 1 content: Dojo Dan (Demo), Steg the Slug...
Amiga Action Issue 36 September 1992 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Gobliiins (Demo),Tornado (Slideshow) Disk 2: H-Ball (PD...
Amiga Action Issue 37 October 1992 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Fire Force (Demo) Disk 2: Dithell's Wonderland (PD Full),...
Amiga Action Issue 39 December 1992 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Alien Breed '92 Special Edition (Demo) Disk2: Cytron...
Amiga Action Issue 40 January 1993 Disks 1 & 2: Disk 1: Gobliins 2 (Demo) Disk2: Road Rash (Demo)
Amiga Action Issue 41 February 1993 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Demo), Zool...
Community Rating: 4.12 Total Votes: 4
Disk 1 content: Body Blows (Game Demo) Furmyre Game (Full PD Game Disk 2 content: Creatures (2 fully...
Community Rating: 4.75 Total Votes: 2
Coverdisk 1 content: Chuck Rock II (Game Demo) Superfrog (Exclusive Amiga Action Challenge Level Game...
Amiga Action Issue 45 June 1993 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Deathbringers from Space (PD Full), Hired Guns (Demo) Disk 2:...
Amiga Action Issue 46 July Disk 1& 2: Disk 1: Battle Cars 3D (PD Full), Gunship 2000 (Demo), Mutants from Mars (PD...
Community Rating: 3.50 Total Votes: 1
Coverdisk 1 content: F1 Challenge (Exclusive Game Demo) Blastar (Exclusive Game Demo) Battle Cars 2 (Game...
Amiga Action Issue 48 September 1993 Disks 1 & 2: Disk 1: Stardust (Demo), Universal Warrior (Demo) Disk 2: Grav...
Community Rating: 3.50 Total Votes: 2
Coverdisk 1 content: Deep Core (Game Demo) Defender (Full PD Game) F117A (Exclusive Game Demo) Coverdisk 2...
Amiga Action Issue 50 November 1993 disk 1 &2: Disk 1: Theatre of Death (Demo) Disk 2: Graham Gooch's Second...
Coverdisk 1 content: Cannon Fodder (Exclusive Game Demo) Coverdisk 2 content: Brutal Sports Football (Game...
Amiga Action Issue 52 Christmas 1993 Disk 1,2,3: Disk 1: Bob's Bad Day (Demo) Disk 2: Campaign 2 (Demo), Charlie...
Coverdisk 1 content: Alien Breed 2 (Game Demo) Coverdisk 2 content: Dinosaur Detective Agency (Game...
Community Rating: 4.50 Total Votes: 1
Coverdisk 1 content: Body Blows Galactic (Game Demo) Coverdisk 2 content: Fury of the Furries (Game...
Coverdisk 1 content: Super Methane Bros (Exclusive Game Demo A500/A1200) Coverdisk 2 content: Dithell in Space...
Coverdisk 1 content: Liberation (Game Demo) Coverdisk 2 content: Benefactor (Game Demo) Center Court Tennis...
Amiga Action Issue 57 May Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Sierra Soccer World Challenge (Demo) Disk 2: Brian the Lion (Demo)
Amiga Action Issue 58 June 1994 disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Puggsy (Demo) Disk 2: Rugby League Coach (Demo)
Amiga Action Issue 59 July 1994 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Apidya (Demo), Gulp! (Demo) Disk 2: Naughty Ones (Demo)
Community Rating: 2.50 Total Votes: 1
Coverdisk 1 content: Sensible Massacre (Full PD Game) Tic Tac Toe (Game Demo) Wembley International Soccer (Game...
Amiga Action Issue 62 October 1994 Disk 1 ,2, 3 Disk 1:Putty Squad (Demo) Disk 2:Vital Light (Demo), World Tour...
Amiga Action Issue 64 December 1994 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Tactical Manager Italia (Demo) Disk 2: Ace the Space (PD...
Coverdisk 1 content: Skeleton Krew AGA (Exclusive Game Demo) Coverdisk 2 content: Sensible Moon of Soccer...
Amiga Action Issue 66 January 1995 disk 1,2,3: Disk 1: Shadow Fighter (Demo) Disk 2: Premier Manager 3...
Amiga Action Issue 67 February 1995 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1:ATR: All Terrain Racing (Demo), Base Jumpers (Demo) Disk...
Amiga Action Issue 68 March 1995 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Alien Breed 3D (Demo), Kingpin (Demo) Disk 2: Valhalla:...
Amiga Action Issue 69 April 1995 Disk 1,2,3,4: Disk 1: Turbo Trax (Demo) Disk 2: Dodge 'em (PD Full), Galaxy Wars...
Amiga Action Issue 72 July 1995 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Ultimate Soccer Manager (Demo) Disk 2:Mortal Kumquat (PD...
Amiga Action Issue 73 August 1995 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Quik the Thunder Rabbit (Full) Disk 2: Quik the Thunder...
Amiga Action Issue 74 September 1995 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Timekeepers (Demo) Disk 2: Quik the Thunder Rabbit...
Community Rating: 0.50 Total Votes: 1
Amiga Action Issue 75 October 1995 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1:Player Manager 2 (Demo) Disk 2: Conquest (PD Full)
Amiga Action Issue 76 November 1995 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Virocop (Demo) Disk 2: Hollywood Hustler (Demo)
Amiga Action Issue 77 December 1995 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Charlie J Cool (Demo) Disk 2: Scramble (PD Full),...
Amiga Action Issue 78 January 1996 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Worms (Demo) Disk 2: Winning Post (PD Full)
Amiga Action Issue 79 February 1996 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Super Tennis Champs (Demo) Disk 2: Charlie Chimp (Full)
Amiga Action Issue 80 March 1996 Disk 1,2,3: Disk 1: Wrath Of Gwendor (Full) Disk 2: Hillsea Lido (Demo) Disk 3:...
Amiga Action Issue 81 April 1996 Disk 1,2,3: Disk 1: Joker Poker (FULL) Disk 2: Fruit Salad (FULL) Disk 3: Coala...
Disk 1:Charlie Chimp Remix (PD Full) Disk 2: Saturday Night Snooke (DEMO) Disk 3: Munch (Demo)
Amiga Action Issue 83 June 1996 Disk 1,2,3: Disk 1: Skinner & Baddiel's Fantasy Football League (Full) Disk 2:...
Amiga Action Issue 84 July 1996 Disk 1,2,3: Disk1: Seemore Doolittle's Underwater Adventures (Full) Disk2:...
Amiga Action Issue 85 August 1996 Disk 1,2,3: Disk 1: Hollywood Hustler(FULL) Disk 2: The Great...
Amiga Action Issue 86 September 1996 Disk 1 & 2: Disk 1: Space Invasion (PD Full), Gorf (PD Full), Scramble (PD...
Amiga Action Issue 87 October 1996 Disks 1 & 2: Disk 1: Return of Gwendor (FULL) Disk 2: Seemore Doolittle's...
Amiga Action Issue 88 November 1996 Disk 1: Disk 1: The Treasure Of Tutankahmun (FULL)
Amiga Action Issue 89 December 1996 Disk 1: Disk 1: Egor in Toyland (PD Full)