Sinclair ZX-81
Community Rating: 2.00 Total Votes: 1
Backgammon is a computer version of the board game with the same name. It allows to play against the AI which can...
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Community Rating: 4.08 Total Votes: 6
Community Rating: 3.83 Total Votes: 3
Chess or Psion Chess was developed for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K by Psion Software Ltd, in collaboration with...
Community Rating: 2.70 Total Votes: 5
The classic game of chess against the computer. The AI has six skill levels and can effectively play both sides as...
Community Rating: 3.64 Total Votes: 7
Computer Scrabble is the earliest official computer version of the popular word game. The game has a 8500-20000...
Microsoft MSX
Community Rating: 2.50 Total Votes: 1
Community Rating: 2.75 Total Votes: 4
Fantasy Games is a double games pack containing the following adventure games: Perilous Swamp: Deep in a...
Community Rating: 3.62 Total Votes: 8
Flight Simulation is a flight simulation program written by Psion and marketed by Sinclair Research for the...
Community Rating: 4.25 Total Votes: 2
In an era when flight simulation for the masses was starting to become a reality, this program offered the chance...
Community Rating: 3.38 Total Votes: 12
In 1983, Tang produced the third title in the series, Horace and the Spiders. This was primarily a platform game...
Commodore 64
Community Rating: 3.01 Total Votes: 4
This was one of the Spectrum’s earliest Pac-Man-influenced games, taking place on a quick succession of small...
Community Rating: 4.67 Total Votes: 6
The game Match Point is a tennis simulation and can be played either against the computer or against another...
Amstrad CPC
Community Rating: 3.14 Total Votes: 7
Conversion of Psion's Match Point tennis game originally developed for the ZX Sinclair Spectrum. The view is...
Community Rating: 2.92 Total Votes: 6
An Asteroids clone. You control a spaceship in a planetoid field, trying to avoid hitting them and at the same time...
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
Psion Chess is programmed by Richard Lang, a computer chess champion in the 80s and programmer of some of the most...
Apple Mac OS
BBC Microcomputer System
Community Rating: 3.00 Total Votes: 1
You must help Sally to collect the gold whilst avoiding the brawling cowboys.
Community Rating: 2.83 Total Votes: 9
Space Raiders is a Space Invaders clone. The player has three ships available and must destroy the invading alien...