BBC Microcomputer System
Community Rating: 4.25 Total Votes: 10
In this game, the player controls Roger the Dodger (aka: Blagger), a burglar whose task is to collect a series of...
Community Rating: 4.33 Total Votes: 3
Dambusters is a 1983 game by Alligata Software, Dambusters is a shoot'em-up/bombing game in which you have to...
Amstrad CPC
Community Rating: 3.50 Total Votes: 3
In Meltdown, you must make your way through the offices of a lunar reactor building, shooting robot workers and...
Community Rating: 3.50 Total Votes: 1
You play a caveman who must knock food down to his family while fending off various creatures. As well as the...
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 1
Game description: You are a man on a giant web, filled with all sorts of insects. Those insects are out for your...