In Landmine the player must traverse a 10 by 10 field of possible mine locations, from top left to bottom right. The program sets up an almost too easy first two or three attempts but the machine is programmed to place the mines randomly increasing the numbers of mines by 2 each time. Rapidly the player is faced with the near impossible task of negotiating 48, 50 and more mines. The program does offer the player a little help, in that it issues a warning whenever the player is one and/or two moves away from being blown to smithereens. In giving the reader (and eventual user), the bare outlines of this addictive game, a lot of scope opens up for the ambitious and inventive home programmer. In this quiet utility program, he can create a more attractive display and with the increased sound capabilities of the 64 develop an exciting range of explosive sounds and warnings. A game created by Richard Franklin and published in the book "CBM 64 Programs - Volume 1" in 1984.
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