Commodore 64
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
Air Attack is a crosshair shooter coded in BASIC. It is keyboard controlled only. The objective is to stop bombs...
Alpine Slopes (released in Italy under the name Antica Arte dello Sci) is your typical 80s downhill skiiing game....
A driving game by Kevin Bergin released in the book "Commodore 64 Games" in 1984. In this game you test your...
One of two games released by Duckworth Home Computing named Car Dodge, this one is by Richard Franklin and was...
Amstrad CPC
Community Rating: 2.00 Total Votes: 2
Your quest is to find and enter Count Dracula's castle, find the Count himself before killing him with a stake. As...
Community Rating: 1.50 Total Votes: 1
From the book "Exploring Adventures on the C64", a slightly different version of the Castlemaze adventure. In the...
Community Rating: 3.75 Total Votes: 2
Colossal Cave Adventure is a faithful adaptation written in BASIC of the original Colossal Cave classic text...
Community Rating: 1.50 Total Votes: 2
Somewhere nearby is Colossal Cave where others have found fortunes in treasure and gold, though it is rumoured that...
From the book "Commodore 64 Games", you could type in and learn to program by making this Pac-Man clone style...
Released in the book "Commodore 64 Games", this is a nice game of checkers.
Published in the book, "Further Adventures on the Commodore 64/128". Enormous Cave', according to the author, Peter...
Community Rating: 2.00 Total Votes: 1
You are stranded on a desert island. Try to find your way off the island by avoiding monsters and other hostile...
In Landmine the player must traverse a 10 by 10 field of possible mine locations, from top left to bottom right....
An a-mazing maze game. Commodore Computing International v02-03 (Jul 1983) / from the book "CBM 64 Programs -...
A devious text adventure set in a long-lost palace in a distant, mythical land. The game starts on a mountain ledge...
Community Rating: 4.25 Total Votes: 2
Poker is a computerised version of the card game played with five cards and with $1000 you must try to beat six...
One of the very many ports of the classic mainframe Star Trek strategy game, This one created by Richard Franklin...
Community Rating: 0.50 Total Votes: 2
Community Rating: 3.00 Total Votes: 1
The city of Troy has finally been defeated after a long ten years of being under siege and you, the victorious King...
In this text adventure you have the opportunity to own and use a Time Machine but the problem is you have to find...
From the book "Exploring Adventures on the C64" and the Finnish book, "Commodore 64 Ohjelmoinnin opas -...
From the book "Exploring Adventures on the C64". You are trapped deep underground inside a vast cavern. Your only...
Will 0' the Wisp is a great adventure game for devious and nimble minded computophiles. Trudging through a vast...