NEC PC-9801
Community Rating: 4.00 Total Votes: 4
Aggregate is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by Japan Home Video, which was released in Japan in 1994
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
In Atlantia, the story follows a journalist and a photographer from The Fame magazine who are sent to cover the...
Desert Dragoon: Sabaku no Ryuukihei is a Strategy game, developed by Tenky and published by Japan Home Video, which...
Fujitsu FM Towns Marty
Community Rating: 3.38 Total Votes: 4
In early feudal Japan, a man named Shiro Tokisada Amakusa preaches a heretic religion. Little does anyone know that...
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 1
Sotsugyō is the first game in the series, released only in Japan. It puts the player into a position of a high...
Graduation is a Japanese anime "life-sim" game. You take the role of a homeroom teacher who is given the...
Community Rating: 3.25 Total Votes: 2
As humans evolved and began to colonize space, they encountered a large alien organization known as the Galaxy...
Community Rating: 1.50 Total Votes: 1