Atari 800
Community Rating: 3.75 Total Votes: 4
1K Atascii Blaster is so named because it a) is less than 1K of code and b) uses the Atascii ("ATari ASCII")...
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 3
Agent B.R.D. was third place in the annual ABBUC software contest of 2020. It is a fan sequel of sorts to the...
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
Jewel Bits was part of the ABBUC software contest from 2010. The game is a traditional "match 3" style, where...
Marbled was first place in the 2011 ABBUC software contest. It is a puzzle game in which the objective is to...
Your task is eliminate colored tiles by collecting them using a mover cursor. Every tile has own value(number). The...
Your job is to destroy toxic waste barrels in the ocean - you have a sub that crosses the top of the screen, which...
At first glance Ridiculous Reality looks like a standard platformer; the character can jump from section to...
Rolltris was developed for the ABBUC software contest of 2013 and later released as packaged version with its...
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 1
Space Binvaders was 1st place in the ABBUC software contest of 2009. You control an a ship at the bottom of the...
A platformer where you collect miscellaneous items so you can escape in a hot air balloon.
X:8 was an entry in the 2013 ABBUC contest. It is a side scrolling "button mash" (although it has auto fire)...