Commodore Amiga
Community Rating: 2.00 Total Votes: 5
Atax is an Action game, developed by Ramware and published by Eclipse Software, which was released in Europe in...
Atari ST
Community Rating: 4.00 Total Votes: 2
The great magician Sagyr has succeeded in defeating his nemesis, the wicked witch Xandrilia, and regained the human...
Community Rating: 3.59 Total Votes: 11
After the events of Wings of Death, the once evil sorcerer Sagyr has been reintegrated into society and only does...
Community Rating: 3.75 Total Votes: 4
Monster Business is influenced by vintage platformers such as Mr. Do and Dig Dug. Bob owns a zoo, but the creatures...
Commodore 64
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
Stone Age is a challenging puzzle game where you are in control of a dinosaur and you have to make him reach the...
Community Rating: 3.86 Total Votes: 7
Community Rating: 4.00 Total Votes: 7