Commodore 64
Community Rating: 3.00 Total Votes: 1
Bowling with a first-person view, the bartender will keep score for you. Game created by Gábor Meresz and released...
Community Rating: 0.50 Total Votes: 1
You are the Directory of Security in a world famous Museum of Fine Arts. Since the museum is being renovated, it is...
Community Rating: 3.50 Total Votes: 1
Simplistic and original early idea from Andromeda Software, of Scarabaeus fame. Set the city free of the wicket...
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 1
Devil's Wheel is an action game, published by Andromeda Software, which was released in 1983. See if you can avoid...
Amstrad CPC
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
Community Rating: 4.50 Total Votes: 1
Pilot your hot air balloon, watch the air currents and the local weather. Drop your traps so you can save the...
Flee earthy mud and transcend it: choose the sky and take to space in one of those incredibly fast, strategically...
Weird deepspace alien Hatcheries approach, bursting with life aimed at Earth's destruction. All hopes and future...
Community Rating: 5.00 Total Votes: 1
You, the karate ace, meet six qualified opponents to battle out the ultimate championship. Cool clone of the Atari...
The Woodpecker must keep the Sacred Tree alive. Use the holes to capture your prey and help keep the tree healthy...