Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
Nothing less than a computerized spirit board (of which the Ouija is the best known), DaSi lets you commune with...
Nintendo DS
Community Rating: 2.75 Total Votes: 4
Doodle Hex has been created specifically for the DS format, and makes innovative use of the handheld's touch screen...
Community Rating: 3.50 Total Votes: 2
A piece of hyperfiction masquerading as a rare romantic text adventure game about a big date with what could be Mr....
Test your knowledge of Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy series (radio script flavour) with 60...
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 1
You are invited to test your mental acumen and retention of trivial details facing up against a formidable array of...
VariTale is an early BBS door implementation of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure hypertext, allowing users to read through...
Windows 3.X
This is a brain-stimulating (hence the name) bundle of animated conversions of traditional puzzle / board games...