Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Community Rating: 3.50 Total Votes: 3
Zambaquous has done everything to make life hell for the people of Agamen, and as their King Kayus, the time has...
Commodore Amiga
Community Rating: 3.93 Total Votes: 7
Commodore 64
Community Rating: 4.14 Total Votes: 5
Amstrad CPC
Community Rating: 3.17 Total Votes: 3
Sega Master System
Community Rating: 2.50 Total Votes: 29
CAUTION: FOUR MEGA POWER! Not double, not triple, but FOUR times the playing power of a regular cartidge. You get...
Apple IIGS
Community Rating: 3.33 Total Votes: 3
Neuromancer is an adventure video game developed by Interplay Productions and published by Mediagenic (a brand name...