Commodore 64
Community Rating: 3.50 Total Votes: 8
A single screen shooter in which you play a knight who has to protect a princess in a tower from a bunch of evil...
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
An auto racing game by Stefan Redinger and published in early November of 1983 in Homecomputer 1983/11. Car racing...
Community Rating: 4.00 Total Votes: 1
A baccarat casion\card game published in CPU (Computer Programmert Zur Unterhaltung) 1984/02. The game was...
Barriere is a 1-player Breakout clone for the Commodore 64. The game was developed by Michael Ruedig and...
A Tron\Worm variant. The object of this is to make the other bulldozer crash either into your trail or a wall....
At the first screen after loading, you can also set the game level and the number of players. The number of players...
Published in CPU (Computer Programmiert zur Unterhaltung) 1984/06. You play as the yellow Tron Player and compete...
Dragon is a German language role-playing game for the Commodore 64. It was developed by AWO-Software and published...
Fechten is a German language fencing game for 2 players only. It was developed by Stefan Redlinger and published in...
Community Rating: 2.75 Total Votes: 2
The ghosts are trying to catch you, kill them with your spear. Move left and right with the keys 1 and 2 (or...
Horse Guard (also spelled as a single word) is a clone of the old Atari 2600 game Stampede. It was developed by A....
Community Rating: 3.00 Total Votes: 1
A shooter created by P.-R. Heinemann and published in Homecomputer 1983/10. Not written in machine language, like...
Community Rating: 0.50 Total Votes: 1
Octopus-Adventure is a German language game in which you play Andover in a quest for gold. Your goal is to retrieve...
One of the many games simply called "Space" for C64, this one is an arcade shooter published in German programming...
Space Joust is a single player German language clone of the arcade classic, Joust. It was published by Roeske...