Commodore Amiga
Community Rating: 4.17 Total Votes: 26
The original Breakout concept involves controlling a bat at the bottom of the screen and using it to catch and...
Apple Mac OS
Community Rating: 4.50 Total Votes: 2
Community Rating: 4.27 Total Votes: 22
Hybris is a classic vertically scrolling shoot-em-up which has its roots firmly with arcade stalwarts like Capcom’s...
Sharp X68000
Community Rating: None Total Votes: 0
Sweet Emotion is an Adventure game, developed and published by Discovery, which was released in Japan in 1991.
Community Rating: 3.45 Total Votes: 20
Like Søren Grønbech's other game Datastorm, Sword of Sodan was most noted on the technical side, as the sprites...
Sega Genesis
Community Rating: 2.74 Total Votes: 48
Zoom! is an arcade style puzzle game. Your character Zoomer (a Pacman lookalike with arms & legs) must trace the...
Community Rating: 3.69 Total Votes: 8
Community Rating: 3.25 Total Votes: 5
Commodore 64
Community Rating: 4.25 Total Votes: 6