An action game released by André Vuegteveen, Andre Schroeder and music by Voicetracker (as a group, The Rough Arts) in both 64'er Sonderheft 97, and in 64'er 1997/11. Game has 3 modes of difficulty. You are a flashing animated ball and your duty is to get the flashing key. Sounds easy, but you may not touch the other sprites and there is a time limit to be considered. When you get the key (displayed in the GFX) you have to go to the door and press fire there. Then 3 other doors appear and you have to choose the correct one. If you choose the wrong door, the same happens as when you touch and enemy sprite or when the time runs out before you get the key. You lose one of your 3 lives. Choosing correctly takes you to the next level. If you can get past all 10 levels you get a nice end game sequence.
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